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The Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics welcomes original and scholarly manuscripts for peer-review and consideration for publication. Topics must pertain to the field of pediatrics which includes pregnancy and adolescence. Manuscripts should not have been published before or submitted to another publication.
The following will be considered:
- Case Reports and Case Series — presentations of individual or groups of cases deemed to be of interest to the professional and scholarly community.
- Pilot Studies or Hypothesis — papers which, while very broad, present with a clear hypotheses and suggest a foundation for future, in depth studies.
- Literature Reviews — studies of existing papers and books presented with the intention of supporting and encouraging new and continuing study.
- Technical Descriptions — reports of new analytical/diagnostic tools for assessment and delivery of care. Controlled, Large Scale Studies — usually, but not necessarily, performed at a college or research facility. May be double-blinded.
- Commentaries — presentations of opinion on trends within the profession or current events, pertaining to pediatric and adolescent chiropractic care.
For the full guidelines and more details, click here.
Guidelines for submission
All manuscripts are accepted purely for consideration. They must be original works and should not be under consideration by any other journal or publisher at the time of submission. They must be accompanied by a TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT form, signed by all authors and by the employer if the paper is the result of a “work for hire.” It is understood that while the manuscript is under consideration it will not be sent to any other publication. In the case of multiple authors, a transmittal letter should designate one author as correspondent.
Manuscripts may be sent to editor at svallonedc@aol.com. Manuscript should be in document style MS Word (or compatible) and unformatted. PDFs will not be accepted.
The paper must include an abstract or summary. This abstract/summary should state the purpose of the paper (objective), procedures, methods, main findings (results) and principal conclusions. Also, any key words or phrases that will assist indexers should be provided.
References must be cited for all materials derived from the works of other people and previously published works. Reference numbers in superscript must be assigned in the order of citation in the paper.
Tables — Each table or figure should be on a separate page and not imbedded in the manuscript. If the table is from another publication, permission to publish must be granted and the publication acknowledged.
Photographs — Photographs may be in color or in grayscale and scanned at 300 dpi with sharp contrast. Patient photographs must have consent form signed by the individual or parent or guardian in the case of a minor.
Informed Consent — If the research/study involves experimental investigations performed on humans the manuscript must include a statement that informed consent was obtained from the individuals involved in the investigation.
Patient Anonymity — Patient names or any information that could identify a specific patient should be avoided. All case reports, with or without identifying photographs accompanying a manuscript must have a consent form signed by the individual or parent or guardian in the case of a minor. These are to include any requests for blocking faces, etc.
Acknowledgements — Any illustrations from other publications must be acknowledged. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission from the publisher and/or author for their use.
All manuscripts deemed appropriate for publication by the editor will be sent blind to at least two reviewers. If the manuscript is accepted, the author will be notified. If substantive changes are required, the paper will be returned to the author and the author must re-submit a clean copy of the revised manuscript. Author will be given a tentative date for publication if accepted. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will be returned to the author without comment.
For the full guidelines and more details, click here.